Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Morning all :) Hope i am finding you well this morning. Must start by saying thanks for stopping by, Always lovely to see you and thanks for all the great comments :)

Well the desk:

A few cards going on at the min, i am so behind i only have 1 card made for the year! and i have lots of birthdays coming up, hate that feeling, wish i was more organised! Maybe when lenny starts school! I can dream.............

This week i am hoping to play with my smash stash and finally start something, so watch this space.......

Have a great week and look forward to having a nose look around you creative spaces




  1. OK, I'm clueless! What is a "smash stash?" Sounds pretty grueling (grin). Happy WOYWW from #3.

    1. It's a new way of scrapbooking, by k and co it's really big at the min :)

  2. Thanks for the peek, I like your ickle red bus.
    Happy Woyww'ing
    Minxy #11

  3. Your little cards are adorable! :) And love the double decker bus you have there, too. hee

  4. I'm loving that red bus in the background and your desk is so neat, it puts us all to shame!! Annette #22

  5. Cute little bit of coloring going on there, Kerry--and good luck getting your cards finished!!


  6. PS--is your craft space really in the attic?

    1. Yep it really is :) I can make as much mess as I like and no one can see :)

  7. I'm having to join the others...never heard of a smash stash but then I'd never heard of AB's or most of the other abbreviations used on WOYWW.
    I'll get there I suppose.
    The red bus is so cute. I haven't seen a red bus for years with being overseas...I didn't realise I missed them :D
    Neesie #33

  8. What an adorable little boy stamp. Too cute.

    I think your desk needs to be far more messy, though. lol

    Happy WOYWW,

    Sandy #44

  9. Well, you really are a neat crafter. The image looks like it will make a cute card. #29

  10. Hi Kerry

    I'm not very organised either. I spend too much time on this thing (laptop)... jumping around websites, reading things, being on FB groups for crafting. It all eats into the week!!! I tend to make a new card for family and friends birthdays despite having a box full of cards; I need to make the cards personal but ahead of time. something i'm still working on!!!

    Happy WOYWW 147

    Paula xxx (51)

  11. that's cute image on your neat desk. what is a smash stash?
    happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  12. have fun with your smash stuff,got as far as making my own book and stopped.....lol.
    have a great week :)

  13. Looks very neat and tidy! And everyone is doing better than me at "short and sweet" as requested by Julia... have a great day. helen, 9

  14. Like your double decker bus!! I used to go to school on one of the old fashioned ones with the open door at the back (like you see on old 60's movies). How old am I?? LOL!
    Hugs, LLJ ~76 xx

  15. What a phenomenally tidy desk (that is a big word for this early in the morning). I wish mine was a good as that. What do you use that double decker bus for? I remember the ones with the open backs, like LLJ, but I always walked to school. Have a really good week. xx Maggie #7

    1. It holds my pro markers it was a m and s buscuit tin

  16. Kerry, your desk looks very tidy, love the yellow glow from the light. It seems like a great space to create in. Happy WOYWW #69

  17. Looks like you are ready for all of the cards you have to make - my children are teenagers now which makes it easier to find the time.
    Suzanne at desk 90
    PS Love the ribbon edging on your blog!

  18. Love the double decker bus, is it a tin that you use for storage? Great desk. Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

  19. Nice tidy desk and I love Edwin though he looks lonely just sat on your desk...lol Have a great Wednesday Elaine

  20. Lovely tidy desk, lots of lovely smash stash!!!! joined you as a follower, so as to pop back and see what you do with the smash goodies, Hugs May x x x x No14

  21. Happy WOYWW.

    Hugs, Sarn #79 ish!

  22. I have a bus like that! It's almost the same, had shortbread in it and a union jack on the lid!Thanks for my snoop.Have a great crafting week. HaPpY wOyWw!!
    ((Lyn)) #19 now!

  23. How neat and tidy you are. Funninly enough the more room I've got the more mess I make. LOL. Have a Good Week. Hugs Rita xx

  24. Aww, look at cute little Edwin! Have fun with your new Smash goodies - I've seen a lot of talk about it but haven't looked into it.

    Susan #136

  25. Thanks for the peak, your work area is very tidy, love it.
    Red Kitty no 86

  26. Very quaint, cozy feeling to this space, today. dani42

  27. I love your space. Nothing like having a little one underfoot to keep you away from crafting. Enjoy that one while it is still small. They grow up so fast!

  28. Your desk is ready and posed to go when you are. I haven't gotten into the smash fad but am curious by it. I saw a smash pad and supply display at the grocery store the other day!!!

  29. mmm, very interesting, you have a very neat work desk and your little one will soon craft right along with you!

  30. Love the look of your blog, the colours are so fresh:) you are a very neat crafter by the looks of your desk:)

    Sheilagh N0:112

  31. Fabulous workspace. Love your red bus. Thanks for sharing with us. Hope you catch up with your cards.


  32. I know what you mean about being behind, I have been so obsessed with my AB that I am neglecting my submissions for my magazines! We need to get busy! waving hi from my balcony in the hills of North Carolina :)

  33. Hi Kerry, I didn't realise until reading your comments that you really do craft in your attic. I considered moving up to the attic, seemed a good idea for more space, however, the EM was not keen and moved me into a bigger bedroom instead. I've heard of smash books - is that what you are planning to work on, or is it something different altogether? Anyway, whatever it is hope you find time to get on with it this week as planned, though I do understand when you have a young family most of your time is not your own. Elizabeth x #145

  34. I've picked up a couple of "Smash" things: the blue tape that says "Love it, Need it. . ." etc. and one of those little pads of journaling notes. I would have *loved* one of those as a teen or preteen. Happy Thursday from #151.

  35. I dont feel so bad now if you've only made 1 card this year. My mojo went out the window since my last crafty post
    Bridget #79

  36. Enjoyed seeing your workspace! Have fun making your cards!

  37. Love the London bus...is it a box?
    Sophie no.183

  38. I know the feeling of being behind, we welcomed twin girls this November so my crafting time is down to a few minutes here and there, but I've learned to make the most of it. Your desk is neat and tidy though! Happy WOYWW Mari #55
