Tuesday, 29 May 2012

WOYWW 156 :)

Morning all :) Not sure what happend to last weeks post think i was still asleep when i posted so i will start with last weeks desk:
All the covering of the pages of the mini i have been working on

and now for this weeks, not much work really, it has been to nice to be in the attic, we have had lots of outside family time heres a piccy of my fav little people :)

Well heres this weeks desk:


Look forward to seeing your creative spaces and happy 3 year anniversary looking forward to the atc swap :)



  1. Hi Kerry, if I have got this right, I am to post my ATC to you as you come after me on the list, so if you could let me know your address by return, I'll pop it in the post today. Lucky for me we are both in the UK so I don't even need to visit the post office as I have a large letter stamp poised ready. BJ #40

  2. Happy anniversary! Helen, 8

  3. Happy 3rd WOYWW!!
    It's fun, this bloggin lark! Hope you enjoy the swapping of ATCs. Love the photo of your kids, ahh, happy days :)
    Hugs, LLJ #77 xx

  4. Happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary.
    We have made some fab blogging friends through our mad blog hop haven't we!!
    Have a great week. x Jo

  5. Great pics, fab things on your desk too. I see I'm the lucky gal to receive your ATC, already answered your kind comment you left me with an email so hope you got it ok. Thanks in advance! Take care & enjoy this special WOYWW. Zo xx 37

  6. Lovely pics today..happy 3rd Anniversary... WOYWW, Hugs May x x x#4

  7. How nice I was given the chance to "meet" you through this wild and fun blog hop we take each week. Happy 3rd WOYWW Anniversary from #2.

  8. Lovely to see that you've used the paper on last week's desk on the album on this week's ... that's real progress. You have to gorgeous boys too. Hope your day has been a happy one and that the rest of the week will be good too. Elizabeth x #96

  9. Your little ones are so cute in that photo. Looks like you will have fun with that kit on your desk....if you can find the time ...Happy 3rd WOYWW Birthday

  10. Nice to see what you did with the mini album and that pile of paper from last week, thank you. Happy WOYWW 3rd Anniversary.

    Eliza #140

  11. Sorry i'm late, Happy WOYWW Anniversary
    Minxy #3

  12. Sweet desk space - don't blame you for not wanting to be in the attic during such good weather.

    Sorry to be so late getting round this week - the Queen's Jubilee got in the way!

    Happy WOYWW!

  13. Aww your kids are so cute! Thanks for sharing pics of them and of your creative space.

    Happy WOYWW anniversary!

    Ali #86
